Drag and save image like facebook cover

How to add a cover image like facebook or adjust the position of image?

In this tutorial, I am explaining how to add a cover image to a web page like on facebook. Here I am using Laravel framework to create a page where I can upload and adjust the image position like the Facebook cover image. DEMO HTML CSS Jquery PHP HTML Create a div with id=”bgimage”. Inside Read more about How to add a cover image like facebook or adjust the position of image?[…]

Delete button

How to create a delete button on the image

This post will explain how to add a delete button on the image. This will help you to delete the image as soon as it’s pressed, but here I explain only the CSS and HTML how to add the delete button above the image and not to delete the image. You can add Jquery to Read more about How to create a delete button on the image[…]


how to set bootstrap navbar class active

We all need to give class=”active” in bootstrap navbar for the active menu.The below code will show you to add class active automatically by checking the URL. For a simple php site Here I’m creating a nav.php file to save the menu code and I will include ( @include() ) this file in all other Read more about how to set bootstrap navbar class active[…]


How to create confirmation box using Bootstrap modal

In bootstrap there is a component known as modal dialog which is a very useful thing and most often used in a web application with rich user interface to show the user a confirmation dialog (Bootstrap modal) with two choices, for example, if a button click action deletes a record from the database then we Read more about How to create confirmation box using Bootstrap modal[…]


Bootstrap : Remove Number Input Spinner

Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile-first web sites.When we use < input > with type number, the spinner in the right hand side is visible. The output will be like as shown in Image To remove this spinner we just need to add webkit css code like Read more about Bootstrap : Remove Number Input Spinner[…]